Minggu, 28 April 2013

menguasai grammar

Grammar adalah salah satu bagian penting yang perlu dikuasai dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, kami telah menyediakan sejumlah latihan yang baik untuk dikerjakan agar Anda semakin mahir menyusun tata bahasa yang baik ketika berkomunikasi atau berbicara serta menulis kalimat-kalimat bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Banyak sekali pelajar bahasa Inggris pada tingkat basic, dan pre-intermediate yang mengeluh serta berkata bahwa grammar atau tata bahasa Inggris sulit untuk dikuasai. Sebenarnya hal tersebut tidaklah demikian. Bila kita mau sabar untuk mengerjakan setiap pelajaran yang ada secara bertahap dari yang paling mudah, kemudian sedikit-demi sedikit ke tingkat yang lebih sulit maka tata bahasa Inggris ini akan bisa dikuasai. Ketekunan belajar menentukan keberhasilan kita menguasai grammar.
Grammar is one of the most important parts that we need to master when studying English. Therefore, we - the staff of Englishland -have provided a number of exercises that you can practice in order to communicate, or speak and write using good and correct English sentences. A lot of English learners, especially from basic to pre-intermediate levels complain that English grammar is difficult. As a matter of fact, it is not. If we want to do the exercises of each grammar lesson from basic level and move up to more difficult ones, little by little we will be able to understand the rules and apply them in our daily conversation and written communication. English learners need to be patient and persistent in answering every question that we have added in various grammar lessons or exercises in this website.
In addition to learning various lessons in these web-pages, we encourage students to have grammar books. The followings are the books that we recommend:
  1. English Grammar in Use - A reference and practice book for intermediate students. This book was written by Raymond Murphy. It has been used as a self study guide by millions of students around the world. The book is more suitable for intermediate and more advanced students.
  2. Essential Grammar in Use - A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English. This book was also written by Mr. Murphy. If you cannot find these grammar books then there are other books which I can recommend and I hope that they are available at the nearest bookstore in your city
  3. Understanding and Using English Grammar
  4. Basic English Grammar
Books number 3 and 4 were written by Betty Schramper Azar. The former is meant to be used by intermediate through advanced ESL students and the latter is more suitable for beginning English learners. Most of the above exercises have been equipped with answers. After answering the questions, you will immediately know how many correct and wrong answers you have made including your score. We will try to add more grammar lessons in the near future. Besides buying the grammar books, we recommend that each English buy a good dictionary. One that is published by Longman or Oxford University Press. A good dictionary has words whose pronunciations are explained using international phonetic symbols. Although learning English from this Englishland's website can significantly improve your communicative skills, we feel that it is not enough. Therefore we encourage every learner to take course programs provided by various language course institutions both in their cities or from the internet. The minimum level that a learner has to reach is intermediate. After that he can learn by himself using various sources such as having regular conversation with native English speakers in their towns or cities, joining English clubs or watching BBC, VOA and other TV stations that use English in their programs.
source:  http://englishland.or.id/belajar/tata_bahasa/english_grammar.htm

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